The Virtual Antenna Shop wasOpened in Brazil

The Virtual Antenna Shop wasOpened in Brazil

On September 20, EBARA Bombas América do Sul Ltda. (EBAS) launched the firste-commerce site “Virtual Antenna Shop” in Brazil.

1. Background

EBAS opened a physical Antenna Shop in April 2020. Other than selling products, the store serves as ashowroom to demonstrate products as well as a place to offer after sales support. By having the directcommunication with customers, EBAS intended to enhance the quality of products and service to meet needsof customers. The launch of the Virtual Antenna Shop will expand the market coverage in Brazil.

2. Overview

The Virtual Antenna Shop is operated by EBAS and it is the market place where both EBAS and sales agentssell EBAS’s pumps. The company expects to strengthen the distribution channel in the country by maximizingits business networks with over 5,000 dealers as well as sales agents.

On the platform of the Virtual Antenna Shop, dealers and sales agents register their inventories of EBASproducts. Customers can select which one to buy after comparing prices and location of sellers. Among thebusiness partners, there are a lot of small family-run shops that cannot operate their own e-commerce sites.The Virtual Antenna Shop will offer those small stores opportunities to sell in digital format even if they are notexperts in the electronic commerce area.

In the meantime, easy maintenance are another huge benefit for business partners. Even if they are notspecialists in pumps, technical supports including management of product information or after sales supportwill be organized by EBAS. What all the sellers to do is to take care of delivery time and price and stockchanges.

3. Future Plan

Instead of launching the conventional e-commerce site, the Virtual Antenna Shop will establish the “Win-Win”partnership for both EBAS and its business partners without competing with each other. The EBARA Group willdevelop the marketing strategy to fit local needs and support the people of the region in order to contribute tocreating a sustainable society declared in our long term vision “E-Vision 2030”.

The EBARA Group aims to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) byaddressing material issues identified in its long-term vision and executing the medium-term management planto increase corporate value.
